Karagre Vasate Lakshmi (कराग्रे वस्ते लक्ष्मी)

Karagre Vasate Lakshmi

The Sanskrit mantra “Karagre Vasate Lakshmi” is often recited in the morning. As part of their religious practice, Hindus offer prayers to the gods and goddesses in hopes of receiving benefits.
It’s thought that repeating this mantra can grant you wisdom, luck, and heavenly protection. Reciting it brings blessings from the gods and good energy to start the day.

Lyrics – Karagre Vasate Lakshmi

कराग्रे वस्ते लक्ष्मी करमध्ये सरस्वती!
करमूले तू गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम!!

karagre vasate lakshmi karamadhye sarasvati |
karamule tu govinda prabhate karadarshanam ||

કરાગ્રે વસતે લક્ષ્મીઃ કરમધ્યે સરસ્વતી ।
કરમૂલે સ્થિતા ગૌરી પ્રભાતે કરદર્​શનમ્ ॥

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